
Upskill your staff to survive and thrive

TalentSensus Employer streamlines HR processes, improving recruitment, retention, upskilling and productivity. Understand employees' complete skills and hidden talents beyond their job description with a multi-dimensional, AI-driven organization chart.

Make the right HR decisions with a skill-based AI Assistant to optimize workforce structures for reorganizations, staff replacement and technology adoption.

Increase staff retention with skill-based career planning and upskilling. Accelerate recruitment through skills based hiring. Connect to multiple talent pools to streamline recruitment and reduce costs.

  • Skills Auditing, display and search existing skills in an interactive organization chart.
  • Data analytics driving strategic HR decisions.
  • Skills based recruitment tools to find your next hire.
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Looking after our local industries

Independent businesses, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and larger corporations all play a crucial role in every area's unique ecosystem.

TalentSensus remains their fiercest advocate – a wrong hire can severly impact productivity. The advanced skills-based algorithm of our talent management system ensures each new employee is the perfect match for both small business right through to Fortune 500 companies.

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The average cost to hire a new employee is $7K

Or maybe you’re hiring an executive and that number is closer to $30,000?

Annually, TalentSensus costs between $2,000 and $6,000 maximum for employers. It's an instant saving, plus our unique talent management system has unparalleled data regarding the skill sets of any potential new employee.

How many employees do you have?

01 - Average Staff Turnover

Did you know that the average staff turnover per year is 15.1%

Although this number varies slightly between industries. Industries with traditionally low turnover rates include legal, accountancy, education and the public sector

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01 - Average Staff Turnover
02 - Cost of Leaving
03 - Cost of Recruitment
04 - Cost of Time to Productivity
05 - Total Savings with TalentSensus
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The world of work has changed

The modern labor market faces new and dynamic challenges.

Employers are in need of a platform which can give themvaluable data and an arsenal of tools to find and keep the best talent, ensure they are actively engaged whilst boosting their productivity.

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How TalentSensus improves upskilling, recruitment, retention, and revenue

  • Improves the costs and efficiency of your recruitment process
  • Decreases turnover of staff by ensuring the correct acquisition of talent
  • Automated performance review tool to connect with your teams
  • Opportunities to upskill and create career pathways
  • Improves the diversity of your workforce and improves profitability
  • Improves your compassion and knowledgeable as an employer
  • Connection to your local American Job Center and Learning Providers
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